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Terms Of Service





When a student schedules a class and the class is confirmed at a particular date, and time, the seat is fully reserved for that student and is not available to others.


The following reschedule / cancelation policies are for classes held at all our Training Facilities:

A. Classes that are scheduled and confirmed must be rescheduled at least 48-hours prior to the scheduled start time of the class to allow us time to try to rebook the class seat for another student. The class registration fee is due in full to hold a seat in the requested class.We ONLY accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and PayPal payments.Once Payment is made NO Refunds are allowed.
B. If the student wishes to reschedule he may do so with no additional fees. Note student can only reschedule one time based on one payment.
C. If we cancel the class due to sickness, error or Act of God, full refund will be given to student and given the chance to come take the class for free at our expense.



A.Due to the physical nature of the training classes that we provide, all participants that take part in a class offered by Always CPR Training Center LLC must agree &sign a Release and Hold Harmless Agreement before they will be allowed to participate in the class.
B.If the participant is under the age of 18 a parent or guardian must also sign the release before the participant will be allowed to participate in the class.



1. American Heart Association course completion cards are delivered to the student at the end of the class. AHA Digital certification cards are normally processed and delivered via email the same day as the completion of the class.
2. If a print certification card is shipped to the student via US Postal Service First Class Mail it will be mailed at no cost to the student. Always CPR Training Center LLC shall not be responsible for the certification card(s) once it has been delivered to the Post Office for mailing.
3. If you happen to lose your printed certification card, replacement print cards for classes taught by Always CPR Training Center LLC can be ordered for a Lost Certification Card Replacement Fee of $10.00.Replacement print cards will take approximately one business day for us to process once the replacement fee invoice has been paid.
